Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter, egg hunts, and wedding

We had a great past couple of weeks with the highlight of course being Easter, March 31. 
We went to a couple of Easter Egg hunts, the first at Brushy Creek Park on rainy, cold, March 23.  And then the next Sat. March 30 at our own Red Oaks Amenity Center.  Both Joshua and Noah loved carrying their Easter baskets and trying to find eggs.  
On Easter we went to church and then had Mom and Dad over for a BBQ lunch courtesy of Pokejo's.

Joshua actually started his first day of Mothers Day Out on March 21 and he did wonderful!  Steve and I took him to Round Rock Baptist on his first day and we met his teacher Ms. Michelle.   He goes now on Tue and Thu from 9 to 2 and he takes a lunch and a sleeping bag.  I think he really enjoys school.  I still can't believe he's grown up enough to go!

Last weekend, Apr.5 we went to Dallas and stayed with Sunil and Julie.  On Sat., Joshua and I went to Alex Achen's wedding where we met Mom and Dad at the reception.  Then we met up with Steve and Noah at Jason and Shawn's house, where we all later had dinner.  Avery is almost 6 months old and such a sweet, laid back baby.   Joshua and Austin, of course, had fun playing together.

On Sun, we went to see Shane, Sylvia, Selah and baby Stone who was  1 1/2 weeks old.  Can't believe I didn't think to take any pic. but I forgot how still and quiet they are at that age (at least when visitors come)

Brushy Creek Easter Egg Hunt

Red Oaks



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