Joshua is in that stage where he repeats everything he hears so we have to really be careful what we say. :) The other day he was crying in his crib and when I went to get him I said, "It's OK" and he repeated "Sokay, sokay" while he was crying. I couldn't help laughing.
He loves to point out and say "school bus, po (police), ambus (ambulance), and so much more. His vocabulary is getting bigger by the day.
We took him to a pumpkin patch in Frisco on Sunday and he loved playing by the tractor and throwing hay around everywhere. He threw his mini fit when we had to leave :)
I also was able to spend some girl time with Reena on Sat. night. Was nice to relax and have my fav. apple caramel streusel cheesecake and hot chocolate. I have really neglected you Cheesecake Factory! Never again :)

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